
梶山“トシ”敏弘 / Toshihiro “Toshi” Kajiyama

Vocalist, Percussionist, Songwriter


1989年にNew Yorkに渡って以来、多くのクラブや「Asian American Heritage Festival」, 「Brooklyn Cherry Blossom Festival」等のフェスティヴァルにも出演。

作詞作曲も手掛け、Jazz, Blues, R&B, Funk, Pops, African, Brazilian, 日本の音楽等多種の音楽を取り入れた独特の楽曲を生み出す。
また、アフリカの太鼓やパーカッション (Ashiko, Shekere etc) を演奏し、バンドやダンサーと共演。


世界の文化・音楽のるつぼであるNew Yorkで体験した多様性を生かした独自の音世界を作り、更に現在も進化をさせている。


* 2005年、第24回浅草ジャズ・コンテスト/ボーカル部門グランプリ獲得
* 2012年、CD「Toshihiro Kajiyama & 肚(HARA)/Sky and Sea」をリリース


東京「南青山MANDALA」、「B Flat」、「BASH!」、「Birdland」、「Satin Doll」他
大阪「Mister Kelly’s」、「Flamingo the Arusha」他


Toshihiro “Toshi” Kajiyama

vocalist, percussionist, songwriter

Born in Osaka, Japan and raised in Amagasaki City, Hyogo.

He started his carrer by singing Jazz in Tokyo.
Since he moved to New York City in 1989, he’s performed at a lot of clubs and festivals, such as “La Place on Park”,“Yard Bird Suite”,“Elbow Room”,“Asian American Heritage Festival”.

He composes songs with influences of various kinds of music like Jazz, Japanese, Blues, R&B, Brazilian, African etc. and sings Jazz and his original music as well with his band.
He also plays African percussions (Ashiko, Shekere etc), performing with dancers and bands.

He came back to Japan in 2002 to start his new carrer in Japan.
He’s pursuing to deliver good messages & vibrations by using the sound of his voice itself more than what the lyrics say.

Now he performs with his band and also duo unit (singing and playing African drum with a guitarist).

* In 2005, he won the Grand Prize in the vocal category at the 24th Asakusa Jazz Contest.
* In 2012, CD「Toshihiro Kajiyama & 肚(HARA)/Sky and Sea」 was released.

